Limiting Belief

All posts tagged Limiting Belief

FREE Call Replay – ELIMINATE MONEY ISSUES: Lead a stress free and healthy life

Published July 22, 2010 by souldesigned

I have discovered an AMAZING energy healer by the name of Ann Taylor.  She is awesome, and her healing works really well, and really fast. She literally heals you of specific limiting beliefs right there and then! To get a FREE sneak peek of Ann in action, and be healed of some negative money beliefs of your own, such as:

  1. Lack of money
  2. Worry about money
  3. There’s not enough money

You need to listen to this replay –  Now we all know how damaging negative thoughts can be too, and Ann tackles this issue on the call as well, to change the vibration of any negative thoughts. It’s really cool.

Now the replay won’t be up for long because it’s part of a series, so if you miss it, and want to find out more about Ann Taylor her website is There’s a free healing on there too. So that replay link again is

Hope you enjoy it as much a I did! I even purchased her bundle pack I was so impressed!


© 2010 Soul Designed and Leonie Hope

To get your FREE SPECIAL REPORT , as well as other great tips, tricks, and strategies to support you in discovering how you can turn your purpose and passion into profits, please visit

Are You Bringing Your Past With You?

Published May 17, 2010 by souldesigned

I have just read Sylvia Browne’s book called ‘Psychic Healing’, and it was really interesting. It is mostly about how to improve your health, and rid your body of illness, but there were some nuggets in there about limiting beliefs and why they persist in hanging around.  In her book, Sylvia and her guides give some suggested affirmation to help with a wide of range of areas.  I would love to share some of them with you today.

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Which Mindset Do You Have? An Employee Or A Business Owner?

Published May 6, 2010 by souldesigned

I was at a seminar last night for financial success, and made some interesting observations in my interactions with other people.  It was around the question of  “What do you do?”, and no it has nothing to do with the spiel with you give that you have spent hours trying to perfect. What I found interesting was the mindset behind the answer… Read the rest of this entry →

3 Tips To Help You Remove Your Limiting Beliefs Forever

Published April 26, 2010 by souldesigned

I am sitting here  at home enjoying the beautiful weather on the sunny Gold Coast on this Anzac Day long weekend. I have been reading through some really interesting material to help me grow myself and my business.  As an NLP  Coach,  I know and use some really fast and effective techniques to help my clients get rid of their limiting beliefs.  This weekend  I have come across some simple exercises that anyone, including you, can do on your own to start getting rid of your own limiting beliefs.

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